Here you will find helpful training videos on how to use SUNLearn, your learning platform.
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the content on this site may be outdated.
- Manager: Magriet De Villiers
- Facilitator: Lucille Muller Muller
Please note that registered modules may take up to 24 hours to appear on your SUNLearn course overview pages due to enrolments being done manually after hours.
If you are not enrolled in your registered modules after the 24-hour waiting period, first check if those modules are listed on your proof of registration before contacting the Learning Technologies Support team.
NB: Please make sure that you check all the relevant faculty SUNLearn instances (FMHSLearn, EMSLearn, SocSciLearn, and STEMLearn) if you are registered for modules across different faculties. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the infographic and video on the new-look multi-faculty SUNLearn environment.
Learning Technologies Support Team
Here you will find helpful training videos on how to use SUNLearn, your learning platform.
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the content on this site may be outdated.